Texture Synthesis by Image Quilting 알고리즘 (Computer Graphics) 이미지 퀼팅(Image Quilting) 알고리즘 이미지 퀼팅(Image Quilting)이란 작은 텍스쳐 이미지(Texture Image)를 이와 유사한 더 큰 텍스쳐 이미지로 확장하는 방법입니다. Question. Explanation Texture synthesis is the technique for synthesizing a big texture image from a given small input image. For example, assume that we have a small input image in Figure 1(a), and we want to generate a large image like Figure 1(b) which is very similar to the small i.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 ··· 385 다음